Git Command Cheat Sheet

February 20, 2023



Git is a powerful version control system that helps developers track changes to their code over time.


Here are some commonly used Git commands that can be helpful in managing your code repository:

  • This command creates a new local Git repository and initializes it.

git init

  • This command creates a copy of an existing Git repository on your local machine.

git clone link

  • Use this command to check the status of your repository and see any modified files.

git status

  • This command adds all changes in your working directory to the staging area.

git add -all

  • This command adds changes in the current directory to the staging area.

git add .

  • This command adds all changed files except deleted ones to the staging area.

git add \*

  • This command adds a specific changed file to the staging area.

git add link

  • This command resets changes that were added to the staging area.

git reset

  • Use this command to commit your changes to the repository with a commit message.

git commit -m "message"

  • This command undoes the last commit and returns your repository to the previous state.

git reset HEAD~

  • Use this command to create a new Git branch with the given name.

git branch name

  • Use this command to switch to the Git branch with the given name.

git checkout name

-Use this command to list all the branches in your repository.

git branch

  • Use this command to merge changes from a different branch into your current branch.

git merge name

  • Use this command to transfer your local repository changes to an online GitHub repository.

git push origin name

  • This command is equivalent to running git fetch and git merge together.

git pull